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Wedding at Bovey Castle

Congratulations Melissa and Andrew!!!!  It was a fantastic day,  you have such a wonderful group of friends and family that obviously care for you very much.  You made the day really fun for everyone with lots of laughter and warm hospitality.  I felt very welcomed and honored to be a part of your day.

Click the link at the bottom of this post to view the rest.

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  1. Steve Ainsworth (Father of the Bride) #

    Hi Nick.

    It was really good to meet you on Mel & Andy’s very special day and to also see you enjoying yourself while you were “working”. I can quite see why you think “it’s the best job in the world”!

    Just had a look at the full set of 500 photos and think they are a wonderful record of the day’s events. Looks like a lot more went on than I can actually remember and it’s very interesting to see the events unfold from a very different perspective than my own – seems to summarise the day from a number of peoples’ perspectives and I’m sure that Mel & Andy will treasure them for years to come.

    Thanks again for your services, Nick, and hope you enjoy the pink Champagne!



    September 6, 2010

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